The club operates a number of repeaters.


Named after C. Harris (4HM, VE4HM, VE6HM) and located at the club site (which is often referred to as HM or VE6HM after this set of repeaters). 147.060- MHz (negative offset), 444.100 MHz, 224.760 MHz, and 53.430 MHz.  CTCSS  100.0


Located at the River Cree Casino and Resort and provides extended coverage in the West parts of Edmonton. 147.330 MHz. Linked.  CTCSS  100.0

VE6UV - Currently Down

Previously located on the University of Alberta campus, and provided extended coverage in Central areas of Edmonton. 147.240 MHz. Linked.  CTCSS  100.0


Located at club site. This is a Yaesu C4FM system. WIRES-X functionality is temporarily unavailable, however the repeater still operates for local Fusion and analog traffic.


Located near Pigeon Lake and provides coverage to the south of Edmonton into the Wetaskiwin area. 147.090 MHz. Linked.  CTCSS  100.0

VE6TNC  currently off the air due to site restrictions

It was located near Elk Island National Park and provided excellent coverage. We are negotiating for a new site in the vicinity of the Ukranian village which hopefully will be operational by the end of the summer of 2023. It will be on 146.610 MHz  CTCSS  100.0


Located south of  Lake Wabamun (Highvale) Alberta and provides coverage to the West of Edmonton. 147.390 MHz. Linked.    CTCSS  100.0


We support a portable repeater on 147.015 MHz (UHF 442.275+ MHz) and a 15-meter-high portable tower (NARCPAC), with an HF beam, HF dipoles, VHF and UHF antennas. It may be operated from a portable generator.

Future Repeaters

A future repeater is currently planed near Legal, Alberta.

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