Monthly General Meeting

NARC holds a general meeting for its membership on the third Wednesday of the month, except in July, August and December.

Usual start time is 1930 L (that’s 7:30PM local Edmonton time for newbies!). The meetings are often kicked off with a technical presentation/talk or some other item of interest to the Ham community and the “business” part of the meeting convenes after a small break following the presentation. Normally, we’re out of the meeting by 9:30PM and many members then split into several smaller groups for continued chatting over a coffee and/or snack down the road somewhere.

Meeting Location: **Check the calendar for the correct location (on the home page)

Everyone is welcome to join us and find out more about amateur radio and NARC.

Ham Radio Help Sessions

Looking for some advice or assistance with your new gear, or trying to do something novel with your older gear? NARC will be running a weekly event on Thursdays at 1900 L starting October 19th to help you make the most of your equipment and the hobby. These sessions are designed to offer assistance to both new and experienced hams with hardware or software issues. Whether you're facing technical challenges or seeking resources, we're here to help you navigate the world of ham radio. Join us on Thursdays for hands-on assistance and knowledge sharing.

Meeting Location: VE6HM Northern Alberta Radio Club site

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